CSB Portal

License and Contracting

License and Contracting

This page walks through the licensing process, anti money laundering training, and carrier contracting. After completing these items move on the Setup section.
  • Licensing & errors and omissions insurance
  • Carrier contracting

Licensing Process

Before you can move on to Anti money laundering training you need to complete all licensing requirements. After you have have enrolled in study prep go to indentogo.com to schedule finger printing.
  • Identogo finger printing
  • AML Training

    Several companies require anti-money laundering training we strongly advise to get it completed it once you have state license number.AML training link.

    Carrier Contracting

    You will receive an email that says “it’s time to get contracted” from EFES marketing. This email will contain a PDF with instructions to get contracted for American Amicable, American General, American Memorial, Americo, Foresters, Great Western, Lifeshield, Mutual of Omaha, Prosperity, Royal Neighbors, Trinity/Family Benefit, United Home Life, and Liberty Bankers.

    Oxford and Christian Fidelity will come in a separate email.

    For builders only***

    If you are contracting someone in your downline use the following cognito form to get them set up.

  • Contracting Cognito